Friday, September 30, 2011

Twitter Updates - September 30, 2011

Twitter Updates - 09302011

~Update 1
AsiaPrince_JKS: 말씀좀여쭐게요..혹시 제가 올 12월에 올림픽경기장 메인스타디움에서 파티하면 오실 분 계신가요? 칼콕스,데드마파이브 형아들 부르면 오시려나...답변좀부탁드릴게요..
Translation: Translation: I want to ask something.. If i have a party in Olympic Main Stadium on December..anyone coming? If Carl Cox, deadmau5 is coming as well.. You call will come? Please reply me.. 

~Update 2
AsiaPrince_JKS: 추우려나...우리나라에는 돔이 없네요...
Translation:  Translation: Weather is getting cold... There's no Dome in our country..

~Update 3
AsiaPrince_JKS: 데이비드게타 형아를 부를까요... Lounge H in main stadium...
Translation: Should i call David Guetta.. Lounge H in Main Stadium..

~Update 4
AsiaPrince_JKS: 게타형아는 내년 4월까지 바쁘시다고하네요.. LMFAO형들에게 연락가는중이에요..베니베네시형아 칼콕스형아 아오키형아 다 저나해봐야겠어요..
Translation: David Guetta is busy till next year April. I am going to contact LMFAO.. Benny Benassi, Carl Cox, Steve Aoki i will contact all of them.. 

~Update 5
AsiaPrince_JKS: 주경기장은 추우려나..
Translation: The Main Stadium is going to be very cold.. 

~Update 6
AsiaPrince_JKS: LMFAO다음주에 만나기로 했어요.. 삼겹살먹으러갈까..
Translation: I'm going to meet LMFAO next week.. Shall i bring them to eat samgyupsal (pork).. ?

~Update 7 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 애국한양 후배들에게 피자를 사줬어요.. 15명이니까 15판...많이먹어 후배들아.. 남기면...........죽어.....
Translation:  I bought pizzas for Hanyang University Juniors. 15 peoples... 15 pizza.. Eat more juniors.. If there's any leftovers.. you will be dead... 

cr: sa_sha26

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Twitter Updates - September 29, 2011

Twitter Updates - 09292011

~Update 1
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ 새벽부터 촬영하느라 죽겠음둥 ㅠ 오늘 오전 9시경 엄청난 기사가 나가리라..도와주십쇼 장어님들하.. 기록한번찍어봅시당!! 아쟈!!!!
Translation: Hey! I'm very tired to have a shooting from early in the morning....There will be a great news about 9am.....Help me,eels....Let's make a record!!!

~Udpate 2 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!!사고한번 쳐 보려함... 장근석에게 꿈이란...? ㅡ 다음일정일뿐 ㄲㄲ간만에 허세 돋네..ㄲㄲ 내 꿈은 세계정복!! 지구인들을 장어로ㄲㄲㄲ장어들이여 헤엄쳐라!!! 
Translation: Hey! I will make something big.....
What's the dream for JangKeunSuk...?ㅡ It is just the next scedule....kkk What a bluffing!
My dream is conquering the world!!
Make all people eels!! Swim !!! Eels !!!

~Update 3
AsiaPrince_JKS: ㄴ ㅑ!! 그러나 아직 놀랄때가 아님.. 할로윈파티 금방 정리해서 알려줄테니까 장어들은 집합! ㄲㄲㄲ 아 비맞고 국밥먹었더니 감기약 세알막은 효과..파워슬립을쵸져야할시간...zzzzZZ
Translation: Nyaa!! It's not time to be freaked out yet.. About Halloween Party, will announced it later. Eels, gather up! Hahaha. Ah, I was in the rain. Ate some Gukbap, the effect feels like eating 3 flu medicines... need some Power Sleep awhile... zzzzZZ

~Udpate 4 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 난 고기좀 먹겠음 ㄲㄲ
Translation: I am eating grilled meat. Haha

Love Rain Shooting

The Sleeping Prince.. ^.^

On September 27, 2011, Jang Geun Suk posted several sleeping photos of his close friends and colleagues. In return, Big Brother posted this photo, the sleeping Jang Keun Suk..

Bwahahaha.. Look at how this adorable prince sleep on the couch. Even though he sleeps with his mouth open, he still looks nice.. Also, he looks really tired in this photo. Jang Keun Suk, don't forget to take a rest once in a while. Jang Keun Suk, Hwaiting!~


JKS on "Wish Wall" Star Avenue

Photos of Jang Keun Suk on Wish Wall at Star Avenue
cr: sukplayground +lottedfs

Wealthy Young Celebrities

Jang Keun Suk tops the list of the wealthy young celebrities in Korea.
cr: 87pineblue, crazy eels of jang keun suk

JKS Facebook

Eels, Jang Keun Suk has now opened a Facebook account. Add him up as a friend.. ^.^

Twitter Updates - September 27, 2011

Twitter Updates 09272011

~Update 1 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 어쨋건 어제 새벽까지 저 난리를 치고 나는 학교로 향했다는 슬픈 전설이..ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: Anyway...I have been in that situation to early in the morning...and I had to go to school...sad.....

~Update 2
AsiaPrince_JKS: 자..어차피 이렇게 된거 오늘 트윗은 자폭으로가겠음....기대하라 시~~~작!!!
Translation: Ha.. Anyways, since things has become like this.. shall do self-destruct tweets today.. wait and see~~~ Sta~~~rt !!! 

~Update 3 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 장근석 25세 아시아프린스
Translation:  Jang Keun Suk 25 years old Asia Prince

~Update 4 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 송은석 31세 장근석매니져 팀장 곧 그만둠
Translation: Name: Song Eun Suk 31 years old. Jang Keun Suk's Manager, Team Leader, He's quitting soon.

~Update 5 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 한장더...
Translation: Another picture..

~Update 6 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 윤재호 28세 게이오 대학원 재학중 이상형 머리만 길면 다 좋아함..
Translation: Name Yoon Jae Ho 28 years old. Studying in KO University. Ideal type: long hair will do.

~Update 7 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 제이슨 장 직업 비 장근석의 대중화권 프로모터 특징 돼지의 탈을 씀
Translation: Name: Jason Jang. Job: Rain and Jang Keun Suk's China Entertainment Network Promoter. Features: Wearing a pig's mask.

~Update 8 (vid)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 자다 일어나서 주먹밥 흡입..
Translation: Sleeping.. Get up and when he's awake, he keeps on eating..

Links to video:

~Update 9 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 고민철 28세 장근석 수행비서...매니져로는 꽝.. 비서로는 짱..!!
Translation:  Name: Go Min Chul 28 years old. Jang Keun Suk's secretary.. A terrible manager but an awesome secretary..!

~Update 10 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 김록 29세 직업 장근석 친구 and 플래닛드림 이사 특징 양아치 집단 팀에이치 의 총무담당
Translation: Name: Kim Rok 29 years old. Job: Jang Keun Suk's friend and Planet Dream Director. Features: Punk, in charge of Team H.

~Update 11 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 정커트 일본명 캇또 예명 빅브라더 중국명 큰형님 별명 미군 직업 장근석 전담 프로듀서 특징 술 완전 못마심
Translation: Name: Kurt Japanese Name: Kato Screen Name: BigBrother Chinese Name: BigBrother(大哥) Nickname: US Army Job: Jang Keun Suk's exclusive producer. Features: Can't drink at all.

~Update 12
AsiaPrince_JKS: 일단 여기까지..잠깐 일 좀 하고오겠음 큰 파장이예상됨....
Translation: Shall stop here awhile. I'll go and do some work. There's more to come up next.. 

~Update 13 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 라강윤 직업 코기코기 밀탑 팥빙수 청소담당 특징 말이 느림 기타 장근석의 폭트를 보고위기의식 느끼고 방금 전화 옴.."근석아 형은 마음속깊은곳으로부터 널 아끼고 사랑해 우유빛깔 장근석"....그러나 짤없음
Translation: Name: Ra Gang Yoon Job: Cleaner in Kogi Kogi ice cream shop. Features: speaks slowly. Others: When he senses Jang Keun Suk is going to tweetstorm, he will call up "Keun Suk ah.. Hyung(Brother)loves you very much, milky color Jang Keun Suk"... But it's short. 

~Update 14
AsiaPrince_JKS: 전화기 꺼놔야지...
Translation: Im going to turn my phone off.

~Update 15 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아 폭트 많이 했더니 피곤하다...자야지..늘 한결같은 모습으로 즐잠~~ 여러분 사랑해여~^^쀼잉쀼잉
Translation: Ah, tweetstorm is very tiring.. feel like sleeping.. my sleeping posture as always sleep well~~ I love everyone~^^ Biung Biung

~Update 16 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 훗 은퇴는 무슨..그러기엔 아직 사랑해야 할 여자가 너무나도 많다 그 이름은 장어들~~~~전세계인을 장어로 만들어보세~쀼잉쀼잉~~
Translation:  What retire.. There's still so many women/girls to love! Her name is eels~~~ Let's turn everyone in world into eels~ Biung Biung~~ 

~Update 17 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 이름 김민혜 나이 서.......른 직업 백수 혹은 장근석 친구 특징 언제부턴가 팔뚝이 두꺼워지기 시작 재일교포인데 한국말 일본말 두개 다 못함 발음이 잘 샘
Translation: Name: Kim Min Hye Age: 3...0 Job: Jobless or Jang Keun Sul's friend. Feature: Don't know since when her arms are so big. She's a traveler but her Japanese and Korean is not good, messed-up pronunciation.

~Update 18 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 드디어 셋팅완료...그런데 dvj가 아직.....아....여기는 천국이구나....아........ 날아갈듯........
Translation: Finally, completed the settings.. But dvj haven't..... Ah...It's heaven here... Ah.. I'm flying......

~Update 19 (vid)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아...천국이여....할로윈파티....기획안써야하는데....너무 신난다.......!!!!!!!! ㄴ ㅑ 너네 안오면 후회한다 ㄲㄲㄲ
Translation: Ah.. Heaven... Halloween Party... I'm going to write proposal for it.. It's very awesome....!!!!!!!! Nya if you all didn't come, you will regret. Hehehe

~Update 20
AsiaPrince_JKS: 역대 최고의 미남 영스 DJ~ 배우 장근석씨()! 지금의 SBS 파워 FM <붐의 영스트리트>를 위한 한줄 응원 멘션 부탁드려요! 멘션 기대할게요^^! - 영스 청취자 일동-ㅡ붐느님 화려하게 컴백축하크리!지금은 장어시대!!!
Translation: Best handsomest Young Street DJ ever ~ Actor Mr. Jang Keun Suk (@)! Now on SBS Power FM (Boom's Young Street). Please mention to cheer for him! Will look forward for the mentions ^^! - Young Street Listeners - Congratulations Mr. Boom for the comeback cri!! It's eels generation now!!!!

cr: sa_sha

Twitter Updates - September 28, 2011

Twitter Updates 09282011

~Update 1 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 오늘 스케쥴 종료..Team H 신곡 나왔음. 뚣웅!!!아 피곤해서 폭트도 못하겠음.. 
Translation:  Today after schedule finished. New song of Team H is out! Dong Dong!! Ah, i am tired already, can't do a tweetstorm.

~Update 2
AsiaPrince_JKS: 장근석 좌우명 1.진심은 통한다 2.사람위에 사람없다 3. .... 3은.... 까먹음-_- 촬영시작...!!!
Translation: Jang Keun Suk's motto. 1. If you're serious, then it will work. 2. There's no people above people 3. .... 3... forgot -_- start filming...!!!

~Update 3
AsiaPrince_JKS: 생각났다!!!!!!! 3.엄마가 지켜보고 있다..
Translation:  I remembered!!!!! 3. Always protect my mum.

~Update 4 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: : 크리제이 장어분들 굿모닝! 어제 새벽까지 빅브라더와 새로운 작업을 끝낸후 장배우의 모습입니다. 장배우의 웃는 얼굴보고 좋은 하루 되세요.^^ ”ㅡ뭐냐..트리제이..이따위 후덕사진을.ㅡㅡ
Translation: Good morning cri-j eels! This is the picture of Actor Jang who worked with Big Brother till very late last night. Hope you all have a great day after seeing Actor Jang's smile. ^^

~Update 5 (vid)
AsiaPrince_JKS: Team H 신곡 미리듣기 공개!! 오늘 날씨가 안좋아서 촬영 미뤄짐.. 아...내 잠...
Translation: Team H new song public preview!! Today weather is bad. Filming is delayed.. Ah.. My sleeping time..

~Update 6
AsiaPrince_JKS: 장배우의 페이스북이 열렸습니다. 배우 장근석의 공식페이스북은 다음과 같습니다 친구추가 많이해주세요^^ ㄴ ㅑ! 나 페이스북 진출 뚣웅!! 친추 거거
Translation: Actor Jang's facebook is up. This is official facebook page of Jang Keun Suk. Please add many friends ^^

~Update 7
AsiaPrince_JKS: 오늘 촬영끄읕...얌전히 자야지... 과연......ㄲㄲ
Translation: Today's filming ended.. I shall be good and go to sleep.. really.... ㄲㄲ

~Update 8
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아..나 자야되는데...아...자야...되..는...zzzZZ
Translation: I have to sleep...I have...... to...... sleep.... Zzzzz 

~Update 9 (pic)
AsiaPrince_JKS: 아...우리 엄마 할로윈 파티 준비하신단다...역시 이번에도 엄마한테 한 발 늦었다...그리고....밧데리없다......
Translation: Ah.. My Mum is preparing for Halloween Party.. Once again, I am one step later than my mum.... And battery is dying.. 

~Update 10
AsiaPrince_JKS: : 크리제이 장어분들! 장배우의 공식페이스북 주소가 바뀌었습니다. 많은분들과 소통하기위하여 큰 페이지로 옮기는것이니 양해바랍니다.”ㅡ아니 이 회사 바보아님?? ㄴ ㅑ! 친추 다시해 ㄲㄲ

treeJ_company: Cri-J Eels! Actor Jang's Official Facebook Page. (it's the same as previous, just they change to a fanpage)
AsiaPrince_JKS reply: No! This company is not stupid?? the friend request one again! ㄲㄲ

~Update 11
AsiaPrince_JKS: 장렬히 전사...ㅃ ㅏ 이크리ㅣㅣㅣ
Translation:  Glorious death of a warrior. Bye Cri!!!

cr: sa_sha